

Human Specific tracking automobile (Patrasche) system on a drivable road

Main functions

Object Detection

Based on OWOD. Detect all person class object and classify other object as obstacles

Human Tracking

Based on Deep Sort. Track specific Human figure (Master), yet the possiblity of tracking id loss is modified with nearest-distance tracking object algorithm

In short, nearest-distance tracking object algorithm detect find new tracking object by searching a new human figure with the nearest distance from the location of the most recently tracked human figure.

Drivable Area Segmentation

Based on YOLOP. Fine-tuned with various types of roads in Korea. Find and do segmentation on drivable area in a given frame

Depth Evaluation

With Depth-Image, find object’s average depth. Area for depth evaluation refers to the center cropped part of the results from OWOD.


Using Object Detection and Human Tracking, find the location of master. Then, calibrate angle for Patrasche

Collaborating above with the Drivable Area Segmentation, set examine area to decide whether Patrasche can drive towards Master or not

Using Depth Evaluation on objects detect potential threat for Patrasche, and using Master’s depth, determine an appropriate speed level for Patrasche


  • Master Bounding Box

  • Drivable Area

  • Examination result & Drive/Stop flag

  • Examine Area